About us
We fell in love with Davin Lake Lodge for our family's future. The secluded and exclusive access to nature and trophy fishing on Davin Lake and Wathaman Lake is our paradise! Adventure North, and spend some time enjoying our playground in the Canadian Shield of Northern Saskatchewan.
Matt, Danica, Milo, Freja & Timber & BARK!
Year 1

We have just completed our second season and I gotta say we are having a blast! It was tough to leave and come home this fall as we ALL wanted to stay...Timber most of all! We LOVE meeting all the new people and getting to hear some great stories from out on the lakes. We especially love to get out and create our own memories and find new and interesting areas on the lakes. I caught my personal best this year, a 43" Northern on our way down to the "T".....poor Matt was stuck holding the camera! Matt had a ton of time out on the lakes this year, guiding and ferrying people to and from the Outpost....he definitely had his hook in the water the most! Milo and Freja didn't want the season to end, especially Milo. Both kids spend quite a bit of time on the lakes but they enjoyed it even more this year than they did last year...We really couldn't ask for better kids or a better experience for all of us.
Cheers to year 2, 2018 & beyond!!!

I prefer to be out on the lake fishing but my hours on the lake are few and far between. Every fall I get a couple of days to go anywhere on the lake and fish....every fall I catch my trophy. This year was 42"
What an excellent year it has been! The kids are a year older and have been a lot more help around camp. Freja was helping on the dock this year and both kids were helping in the fillet house. Milo learned to slab and Freja was having fun washing fish for wrapping. They will both grow more into certain positions as the years go by. Freja is more interested in being outdoors than in the kitchen with me although she was a big help around dessert time...everyone disappears when its time to do dishes! Milo is really interested in learning to guide, but needs to be able to jump out of the boat in the middle of the lake and get back in independently...he also needs to be able to trouble shoot any motor issues...he's learning and its coming! After all, he is the luckiest fisherman in the family and can pick a good hook for the weather conditions better than anyone else!
We did lots around camp this year, renovated the shower house, which will be a 5-year fix until we build new. We moved the fuel tanks by the quonset and moved the 5th-wheel over to where the fuel tanks were. This is in preparation for an 8-man winterized bunk house...I see ice-fishing at Christmas in our future! We are completing the kitchen renovation late August and will tin the lodge roof and paint kitchenettes in cabins this fall as well.
Our clientele has grown considerably although we still have more spaces to fill to be truly run off our feet! We asked many of you for constructive criticism and feedback...which will only help us to further grow Davin Lodge into a great destination! We took every comment very seriously, making little tweaks here and there to evolving and revamping our plans moving forward.
We will keep dreaming if you all keep wishin you were fishing!
Cheers to year 3, 2019 and beyond!
Drive or Fly...Adventure North to Davin Lake Lodge
Matt, Danica, Milo, Freja & Timber

I prefer to be out on the lake fishing but my hours on the lake are few and far between. Every fall, I get a couple of days to go anywhere on the lake and fish...every fall I catch my trophy...this year was 43"

Year 4
What was supposed to be our banner year didn't exactly pan out the way we had hoped! We had a great year despite the pandemic and made a lot of new friends and completed a number of projects around camp! We have really settled in to this fabulous life and enjoy it more each year. The kids were a definite asset around here and were also able to make some new friends this year. We had a number of families and kids come to stay which was a welcome distraction for us and the other parents. We have made the decision to keep the kids 15 and under stay free policy (for Independent Adventures) to encourage more families to come and visit.
We were busy around camp with projects and always had fishermen trickling through camp. It made for a busy and constructive season! We worked on cutting down trees behind our cabins to expose the rock face...then cutting and splitting wood for storage. I painted cabins, we re-screed all the doors, our porch and the fillet house. Matt and friends tinned roofs on all the cabins and out-buildings. We got the 10kw generator back from Wathaman...i'm sure there is more, but that is what I can recall at the moment.lol
We had some crazy moments, some scary moments and of course some hilarious moments...year 4 will go down in the books as a great year despite the pandemic! We certainly missed seeing some of our regular fishermen and our international friends in camp, but there will always be 2021! Here is our family pic for 2020...more photos to come :D
Cheers to year 4, 2020 and beyond!
Drive or Fly...Adventure North to Davin Lake Lodge
Matt, Danica, Milo, Freja and of course Timber!

Year 5
Cheers to 5 years and many more to come! Thank-you to our guests for continuing to visit such a great place! Shout out to Pa for hanging in and hanging out...Kevin too. We wouldn't be able to run the show as smoothly without you both.
We had a nice two weeks in camp before our first groups arrived. We were able to take time as a family and enjoy the late ice-off. The kids are appreciating the solitude and freedom of camp more and more....They would be game to go back if we got in the truck tomorrow! We took another really light week at the end of July just to hang out and fish as a family. It was a good break from the busy season schedule and it helped get us geared up for the second half. We did a few nice projects around camp and we got out to do some evening fishing. Let's just say we balanced out the work/life relationship a bit better this year...lol
We will dream and plan and look forward to 2022 all winter and we are so excited to savour and share every moment with you. Every single moment from ice off and startup, every fish big or small, breakfasts, shore-lunch, campfires, rainy days, starry nights, a beer and a laugh in the fillet house, our adventures and most importantly, your adventures! It's who we are and what Davin Lake Lodge is all about.
Stay safe, happy and well,
Matt, Danica, Milo, Freja, and of course Timber & BARK!!
Drive or Fly...Adventure North to Davin Lake Lodge in 2022

Year 6
What an exciting year...and BUSY!! Matt and I were like two ships passing in the night, and the day. Year 6 was our most booked season to date with nearly 300 people for both lakes. We were relaxed and organized going into the season that it almost made me think we forgot something...but we didn't. I think that's when previous experience has your back and sets you up to just roll with things. There were some supply chain issues...Fuel and food costs skyrocketed, but we came up with a plan that worked for us and our guests.
We shared the lake with many repeat guests but also saw lots of new faces too. Tons of kids and big families, which was exciting for our kids and helped to break up the season. Milo and Freja, both a year older, stronger, more mature, still like it up there and are present from start to nearly finish. They are enthusiastic to be involved in the day to day and work hard when required.
Weather was really good the entire season. We got rain when we needed it and had many sunshiny days. The threat of fire was low and the days of pouring rain were few for our people. We lost 1-2 days on the lake due to wind/weather, but that is a pretty good stat considering it rarely happens.
We did some projects early season and finished off others at the end. It gets tough to find down time to do those things when you are so busy throughout the season. We always appreciate the time that Kevin, Rick and Pa can be in camp because they lighten the load when asked and are great to have around because they want to be there and they have the camps best interests in mind. Plus, Kevin is hilarious....just wait!!
We all are so happy and so very full of gratitude that our guests and friends choose Davin Lake Lodge year after year. Raise your glass with us.....CHEERS TO YEAR 6.....2022 AND BEYOND!! We will continue to dream and plan for the future so we can share Davin Lake Lodge with everyone who wants to visit. We share every single moment from ice off and startup, every fish big or small, breakfasts, shore-lunches, campfires, rainy days, starry nights, a beer and a laugh in the fillet house, our adventures and most importantly, your adventures! It's who we are and what Davin Lake Lodge is all about.
Stay safe, happy and well.
Matt, Danica, Milo & Freja
and of course Timber and BARK!!
Drive or Fly...Adventure North to Davin Lake Lodge

Year 7
It was a difficult season for us personally as well as professionally. We knew this would be our busiest season yet but we didn't realize what a physical and mental toll everything would have on us. I will get to the camp work in a minute...we had some very serious things going on back at home throughout the season...Things that made us realize how truly helpless we are when we are in camp. We cannot go back home and provide support, hold a hand, give a hug or say goodbye. We understand this but it was still very difficult to be faced with those challenges.
The work! Wow were we busy...11 slots at the outpost, revolving door at the Davin camp...no real break in the action. Milo was the camp hero in our eyes this year. Without Pa this season, Milo totally stepped up into a major role. Boats in/out of the lake, cleaned, prepped & fuelled, garbage runs, recycling this kid did it all without complaining....well, minimal complaints! We didn't know until late May that Pa would not make it up this season and while we really missed him in camp this year, Milo really stepped into a formal role with daily responsibilities that are essential to smooth camp operations. Milo also moved out this year...into Pa's camper across the runway lol. He loved it and he flourished with the independence..not many parents can say that about their kids when they moved out.
Kevin...our other camp saviour. Thank you for all your hard work, your countless trips throughout the season and of course your friendship and love for Davin lake Lodge...your bromance with Matt is super sweet to witness lol. We can't imagine a season without you.
We thank all of our 2023 guests for your enthusiasm, patience & cooperation. We are just a family who is dedicated to this place and who works extremedly hard to provide and maintain such a wonderful place for people to come and visit. Our whole world revolves around making Davin Lake Lodge a more comfortable and accessible home away from home for us and for all of our guests. We all are so happy and so very full of gratitude that our guests and friends continue to choose Davin Lake Lodge year after year. Raise your glass with us.....CHEERS TO YEAR 7.....2023 AND BEYOND!! We will continue to dream and plan for the future so we can share Davin Lake Lodge with everyone who wants to visit. We share every single moment from ice off and startup, every fish big or small, breakfasts, shore-lunches, campfires, rainy days, starry nights, a beer and a laugh in the fillet house, our adventures and most importantly, your adventures! It's who we are and what Davin Lake Lodge is all about.
Matt, Danica, Milo & Freja
Timber & BARK!!
What a fantastic season with some wonderful fishermen! Not the best year for trophies but the fishing was like the gift that kept on giving! Lots of each species caught to fill our guests take home limits. The walleye fishing was off the charts for the whole season. Schools upon schools spotted and fished with success for many who just like to drag a hook around.
For us personally and professionally, it was the most balanced schedule I have ever booked. We had a few small breaks in between some busy groups and weeks then we truly enjoyed our 12 day family break between July and August. We learned a few things about ourselves and will adjust slightly for the years to come.
Milo continues to be a massive help and our fishermen sure showed him their appreciation towards him with your kind words and generosity. Matt will miss him for June 2025 as he willed to finish school before coming up. Milo's dedication to his new high school journey is more important as we move forward.
Freja mostly kept a low profile by h eloping in the kitchen and keeping clean sheets on beds and clean towels stocked in the shower house. She had a long summer as she missed her bestie dearly. We will have to adjust her summer schedule slightly so she can feed her need for friends. Or maybe, she just needs to be busier...Freja is already sweating her spring workload as she will need to step into Milo's role for June. Matt will need to revise his training program I think! Im sure our guests will be just as patient and kind with her as you all have been with Milo.
What are we doing?? New shower house coming for 2025 as well as new doors and windows for cabins!! We are as busy as we want to be so lets make things better for our guests! The shower house build is already started and I requested 2 hot water heaters in line for more hot water as well as tall toilets...you know you want one lol. I will also be getting better laundry facilities out of this deal, I deserve it?? seems like a catch 22! New doors and windows for cabins will help to regulate the heat and cold during our crazy season, plus it will spruce the place up a bit. We are never one to throw anything out in the North so keep an eye out for us reusing the old windows in some way...will be taking suggestions, but it had better for a greenhouse!
Matt and I, with Milo and Freja, first want to thank all of our repeat guests for your continued support and meaningful connection to Davin Lake. We would not have made it through 8 seasons without you.
To our new guests (Hi Bob!)...you all have touched our hearts in so many different ways. It is so wonderful to get to know you, feel your enthusiasm for fishing and help foster your own connection to Davin Lake. We are beyond grateful to meet you all and look forward to having you back again one day. We are really just a couple of crazy kids who took a chance...Thank-you.
Raise your glass with us!! Cheers to a successful year 8, 2024 and beyond!!!
We will continue to dream and plan for the future so we can share Davin Lake Lodge with everyone who wants to visit. We share every single moment from ice off and startup, every fish big or small, breakfasts, shore-lunches, campfires, rainy days, starry nights, a beer and a laugh in the fillet house, our adventures and most importantly, your adventures! It's who we are and what Davin Lake Lodge is all about.
Matt, Danica, Milo & Freja
Timber & BARK!!

Beautiful location, fantastic fishing, nice cabins, amazing hosts and fabulous food!! What is there not to love! Highly recommend staying here, it is well worth the drive. Thanks for everything you guys, we will definitely be back!!
Krysten Sullivan

After visiting this summer, all I can say is that we left with a little piece of our hearts at Davin Lake Lodge and cannot wait to go back! If you or someone you know is sitting on the fence about maybe taking a fishing trip-then by all means contact this lodge! I cannot say enough good about it.
Becky Lins